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Physics Simulations

How does a balance beam tip when different objects are placed at different distances from the fulcrum? Click the image to jump into an interactive simulation that allows you to explore this question and put your learning to the test in games.


Level: Elementary School

Balance Beam.jpg

PhET Interactive Simulations
University of Colorado Boulder

How can objects electrically attract? Coulomb's law describes this. Coulomb's law has many uses. For example, it is used in photocopy machines and laser printers. Click on the image to interactively learn about Coulomb's law. 


Level: High School

Coloumbs Law.jpg

PhET Interactive Simulations
University of Colorado Boulder

Want to explore how pendulums move? Click on the image to jump into an interactive simulation with pendulums.

Level: Middle School


PhET Interactive SimulationsUniversity of Colorado Boulder

Click on the image to jump into an interactive simulation that shows you the patterns waves make when they interfere in different ways and the effects of diffraction.

Level: Middle School

Wave Interference.jpg

PhET Interactive SimulationsUniversity of Colorado Boulder

What is a wave? Click on the image to learn more.

Level: Elementary School


PhET Interactive SimulationsUniversity of Colorado Boulder

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